Monday, January 21, 2013

Sometimes painting a ceiling ends in ripping it down

Or does that really only happen in my world?

R2 officially moved out yesterday, and she was so very efficient in the process that she was moved in, we helped her unpack and setup the kitchen, and we were still home by 2:30.  With a whole afternoon free, we decided to dive into the painting, starting with the ceiling (of course.  I learn.).

Once the first coat was up, I mentioned that I wanted to remove two cabinets that were residual from the room's original purpose as a kitchen.  Jaimee dove right into the demo.  When the cabinets were out though, guess what we saw?

Yeah.  Tin.  Above a drop ceiling.  Beautiful tin.  But - why was the ceiling dropped?  Is the tin just too messy?  Best check it out - 

It looks great - solid and beautiful.  Better than the tin in the kitchen!  We paused for discussion - do we do the exhausting demo and painting work that would be involved to expose it?  Or do we just close it up and leave it?  Now - many many posts ago when I removed the first set of cabinets in that room to make it a better space for Erin, we did discover that the ceiling was dropped.  We didn't explore it much then though, as the small area of ceiling exposed there was the *only* part of the ceiling that was battered, holy, and not patterned tin!  We just closed it up.  But now...we see so much lovely tile...

 And Jaimee loves the demo...

So we tore the ceiling down.  The ceiling that we had just painted.  By the end of the night, the entire drop ceiling was down, and Jaimee had started knocking off the loose paint.  Side benefit to this - the ugly florescent fixture that was in that room is now gone!  And oddly there were two more florescent fixtures hiding under the dropped ceiling.  They were only connected to each other, not to a power source.  I guess they change directions after hanging them - but why they weren't removed is beyond me...

Jaimee has the day off today and will continue removing paint.  Stay tuned for the next exciting installment!

1 comment:

rachel said...

wow. wow. Why would they do that? cover the tin? Clearly it had to come down - good call