Monday, June 9, 2008

The view from up here

I made it up to the roof this weekend. On the plus side, the view is lovely.

On the minus side, my roof is black and have have zero insulation in the "attic". Therefore - project next weekend will be to acquire silver roof paint and insulation, and paint the roof. Insulating it will have to wait for the week after. Why? Because it's HOT in the upstairs. And it'll make us that more environmentally sound.

I did also manage to do the last coat of joint compound on Erin's wall, hang the new mailbox, replace the broken outlet in my room (that one wasn't grounded to the outlet either Dad), and mostly seal up the downstairs closet. I just have to get the cement for the floor and a new piece of quarter round and it'll be done.

The project planning for the backyard fence is starting as well - all the lovely pictures in this slideshow are to show Dad the current backyard so we can figure out how to sink the posts for the fence where the patio is...


1 comment:

Hoop said...

I love the pictures! I didn't know you could go on the roof...I'll be gone the next two weekends but I promise I'll be back down to help at some point. Have fun!